Project PETIT

Title of the project: Parental Education together with IT - Support for the New Generation
The project aims consisted of elaborating alternative models for adults (parents) with an educational disadvantage, able to respond to their training needs for becoming more responsible parents and also to provide an alternative perspective upon lifelong learning.
Target group: The project target group was made up of adult people (parents) aged between 20 and 55, with educational disadvantage, who had completed first level of education.
The results and products of the project:
1. Analysis of the good practices models existing at European level, in the field of parental education
2. Analysis of the situation of adults (parents) with educational disadvantage, aged between 20-55, in the European partner countries
3. Analysis of target group's needs, at the level of the group chosen by each project partner
4. 6 educational models (1 for every partner country each) regarding concept, implementation and evaluation by the participants
5. Analysis of the implementation of the "educational models"
6. "Educational models" evaluation: self evaluation and external evaluation
7. One project website
8. Good practices guide
9. External evaluation report on the guide of good practices
10. Evaluation of the project process: on-going
11. Flyers, brochures, posters, CDs, Newsletters
12. Final conference in Bucharest