Project Dialog with EU

The project aimed at empowering citizens with the necessary knowledge and civic competences to express their opinions on issues like the European integration process or the EU policies and their impact by involving them in a series of activities where they will learn what mechanisms the EU makes available for them to give their opinions (forums, opinion polls, etc.).

The project had duration of 1 year, started on 1st January 2010 and ended on 31st December 2010. 

Title of the project: Dialog with EU: The Voices of the European Citizens.

Target group: The target groups of the project were citizens of different ages and professions.

Coordinator: Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta,


Ballybeen Women's Centre,

Institut Arbeit und Technik, FH Gelsenkirchen,

KMOP Kendro Merimnas Oikoyenias kai Pediou,

AKLUB Centrum vzdělávání a poradenství,

The project´s activities:

- 30 national seminars (6 in each of the 5 partner countries)

Workshops are one of the most suitable ways of collecting and disseminating knowledge and expertise. For this reason six national workshops were organised in each partner country lasting six to eight hours, 12 to 20 attendants.

- 3 international conferences (Greece, Germany, Romania)

- 2 national conferences (UK, Czech Republic)

The national and international conferences included round table debates that represent other mechanisms to allow citizens to express their opinions and presentation of papers on the themes of the conference.

The main themes covered by these activities were: European values, European culture and diversity, European policies, the role of active citizenship, the role of informal education for European citizenship, etc.

Results of the project:

Needs analysis report.

30 awareness raising activities with target group (6 in each country).

3 international conferences.

2 national conferences.

Booklet of the project.

CD of the project.

Conference CD.

The website of the project.

Flyer, brochures, poster, newsletters.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.