Project SKILL IT

Skill IT is a transnational European adult education innovative strategic partnership which aims to develop, design and implement inclusiveness strategies for enhancing basic skills, particularly digital skills for specific adult groups - adults with low level or no qualifications, those in low skilled occupations, unemployed, migrants and economically inactive, older people.
The project is implemented by organizations from 7 countries: Northern Ireland; Turkey; Czech Republic; Italy; Greece; Spain; Croatia.
Skill IT will:
a) address the issues of low levels of digital literacy and competency amongst adults who are disadvantaged and at risk of exclusion;
b) address stagnating participation in adult learning in EU countries through inclusive strategies;
c) strengthen the partnership between local and regional organisations in partner countries working with the target groups of adult learners;
d) increase digital competence and literacy amongst the hardest to reach groups in 7 partner countries using an innovative transnational approach involving local and regional adult education organisations, teachers, trainers and the adult learners themselves;
e) improve and extend access to learning opportunities in accordance with Europe 2020, ET 2020 and Erasmus+ goals.
Skill IT's transnationality allows adult learners from different target groups and staff from partner countries to cooperate innovatively in order to design and develop an innovative ICT Education Model which will be tested within the 7 partner countries: Northern Ireland; Turkey; Czech Republic; Italy; Greece; Spain; Croatia.
Skill IT Project Objectives:
1. Identify the digital literacy needs and competencies of 140 disadvantaged adult learnes within the 7 partner countries by February 2017.
2. Develop and design innovative ICT competency model to meet the digital needs identified by July 2017.
3. Develop and design an innovative peer mentoring training module for adults by November 2017.
4. Train 21 adults from the target groups (3 per country) in peer mentoring skills by December 2017.
5. Implement the ICT education model with 84 disadvanteged adults in the partner countries form January to March 2018.
6. Produce Skill IT as an online and CD format toolbox which can be accessed freely to relevant stakeholders by September 2018.
Partner Organisations
Ballybeen Women's Centre (Coordinator) - Northern Ireland (UK)
Kas HEM - Turkey
AKLUB - Czech Republic
Prometeo - Italy
Callidus - Croatia
IFES - Spain
Morfogennesis - Greece
Detailed information about the project are at