Project Young women in political careers
During the last few years there has been considerable progress by EU countries in adopting laws to support equal opportunities for men and women. However in reality women do not participate in political life to the same degree as men. The percentage of women members of Parliament varies between countries: 19% in the UK, 15% in the Czech Republic and 10% in Romania.
The Objective of the project was to increase participation of young women in political life by changing attitudes, raising knowledge, confidence levels and self-esteem.
Title of the project: Contribute to chase: young women in political careers.
The project had a duration of 1 year, starting on 1st August 2009 and ending on 31st July 2010.
Objectives of the project:
To increase participation of young women in political life by changing attitudes, raising knowledge, confidence levels and self-esteem.
Target group:
The target groups of the project were young women aged 16-35. A group of 10-15 women from each country was involved in a series of interactive workshops with the aim to prepare in the end a public debate moderated by themselves.
Coordinator: Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning (SREP),
Partner: AKLUB Centre of education and counseling,
Partner 2: Ballybeen Women´s Centre Ltd (BWC),
What did we do in this project?:
In order to contribute to the changing of this state of art, the partnership aimed at starting from changing the mentality of the target group, young women, who need to increase their self-esteem and their abilities of free expression.
By means of the participatory workshops the target group was supported in improving their knowledge on participatory democracy, the importance of their involvement in the political life at local and European level, but also the role of the vote.
At the end of the workshops was prepared a public debate - The role of women in the national and European politics.
Results of the project:
Needs analysis report.
Success stories booklet.
DVD of the project.
Final conference CD.